
Join our team and make a difference in the life of someone in your community!

Our caregivers are the heart and soul of our business. Their compassion and dedication make it possible for us to provide exceptional care to our clients. If you have a passion for offering dignified, respectful care to seniors, you might be the perfect fit as an AGAPE companion in our office.

Looking for a rewarding job that brings a sense of accomplishment, joy, and gratification? Are you a caregiver feeling overwhelmed by having to care for many patients at once? Would you prefer to focus on building relationships with your clients rather than rushing from one patient to another? If you love working with people and have experience as a caregiver, you can become an AGAPE companion!

Click HERE to apply or scan the QR code with your mobile devices camera.


AGAPE In Home Care, Inc.
4800 District Blvd
Bakersfield, CA 93313

Hours Of Operation

Mon-Fri 8:00AM to 5:00PM
Sat-Sun Closed
Dispatch 24 hours


Ph (661) 835-0364
Fax (661) 835-1561
License #154700016

Social Media